About Us
Di-Bros. Pianos is one of the largest piano stores in south Texas.
"For All Your Piano Needs"
Di-Bros. Pianos is one of the largest piano stores in south Texas.
"For All Your Piano Needs"
The Dimas family has been in Corpus Christi, TX for over a hundred years, serving the area since day one. In the early 30's my grandfather Alfredo Dimas started one of Corpus Christi's first garbage collection company's, going door to door with a pickup truck collecting garbage, serving the Corpus Christi area. My grandfather Alfredo asked his sons before he passed to please find a way to stay together and help each other. My father Oscar Dimas in 1976 started a Piano company with the intent to keep family together and providing a quality service that no one else in the area could offer. In 1976 Oscar Dimas and his three brothers started Di-Bros. Pianos ( Dimas Brothers Pianos ). Fast forward 42 years. A Middle child of 12 siblings, Dominique Dimas, with 15 years of experience working at Di-Bros. Pianos, purchases the company from Oscar Dimas who has now retired. With the same intent as his father, serve the greater Corpus Christi area with God and his family by his side. Now the story continues. A dying art craft is now reborn and rejuvenated for the next 4+ decades. The new face of Di-Bros. Pianos promises to bring a new level of quality, craftsmanship and customer service to the Corpus Christi area. Using the modern world around us to merge the old with new. For all your piano needs.
From my family to yours, come join our piano family.
Di-Bros. Pianos was awarded a Proclamation from the City of Corpus Christi, Texas by the Honorable 2006 Mayor Henry Garrett.
On November 21st it is declarded by the city of Corpu Christi, Texas to be
Our biggest sale of the year starts on this day every year and runs till the end of the year. Come join us every year on "Di-Bros. Pianos Day" to help celebrate another wonderful year of being able to provide a great service to the Corpus and surrounding area.
Thank You Corpus Christi !